School of Whitewater Paddling

FRIDAY, May 2, 2025
Check-in begins at about 12:00 PM and ends at 7:00 PM.
Check-in will be at the main gate at the Round the Bend site.
Optional, free pre-event clinics are being scheduled. Check back here for details.
Here is what we have so far:
CPR - 3:00 PM.
Tom Burroughs will lead an Adult CPR certification class with an emphasis on CPR for drowning victims. Class is free to dues-paying ACC members. The class size is limited and this class requires pre-registration. Confirm your spot by contacting Tom Burroughs. SwiftwaterRescue@gmail.com. The class will meet at the main pavilion. Bring a folding camp chair.
Kayak Paddles 101 - 3:00 PM
Come spend 45 minutes with Team Iowa for Kayak Paddles 101. We'll talk about paddle materials, design, and cost and we will answer the controversial question of "What's the best blade offset". Bring your paddle and questions for a fun interactive discussion. Meet near the Used Gear Swap Shop area to the east of the main pavilion.
Throw Ropes 101 - 4:00 PM
Come spend 45 minutes with Team Iowa and SWR instructor Glenn Harman learning about your throw rope materials and throwing techniques. Bring your throw rope and questions as we'll have some hands-on fun. Meet near the Used Gear Swap Shop area to the east of the main pavilion.
Kayak Outfitting 4:00 PM
ACA Instructor Byron Eubanks will go over best practices for kayak outfitting. Meet at the camp shelter near tent campsites # 1 & 2.
5:00 - 8:00 PM: The North Texas River Runner Chapter will be cooking up "Texas-sized" hotdogs and chips for a grab-and-go dinner. Follow your nose to the pavilion area. This optional dinner is $7.00. Proceeds go to the chapter.
The school officially begins at 7:00 PM Friday at the Round the Bend pavilion with a meeting of the whole school. Afterward, students will break into classes and meet with instructors and fellow participants.
saturDAY, May 3, 2025
The Central Chapter will be cooking an optional group breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, Coffee, and OJ. Cost $7.00. Proceeds go to the chapter.
Students will have instruction on both land and water during the day. Instructors will set the meeting time and place for Saturday morning.
Cate Handley will lead a Mulberry River raft flotilla for anyone with a raft who is not participating in an organized class. This event will start with a discussion about raft frames and set up at about 10:00 AM near the pavilion then the group will head to the river. Plan to return at about 4:00 PM.
Saturday evening, the Northwest Chapter will hold its traditional catfish fry fundraiser. Cost $15.00. We will be entertained by The Crumbs, a band out of Ft Smith. Afterward, we'll have our General ACC Meeting. All dues-paying ACC members are asked to attend and vote at this meeting. We will be electing and/or re-electing officers among other business. Later Saturday evening, we will have an epic "bonfire" near the pavilion. You won't want to miss this.
sunDAY, May 4, 2025
The River Valley Chapter will get us fueled for another big day with a pancake breakfast. Cost $7.00. Proceeds to the chapter.
Students will then have on-water instruction until mid to late afternoon. The school will be over when the last class arrives back at camp. That is usually around 4 or 5 PM. Early departures are highly discouraged and for logistical and safety reasons, may require you to skip on water activities on Sunday.