School of river Paddling

Physical Preparation
The weekend school is strenuous and requires physical and mental effort. Adequate rest, proper nutrition and several weeks of exercise are recommended for the best experience. The best preparation is several sessions of flat water paddling in the weeks before school. Actual practice time on the water can go a long way toward making this school a better experience.
A fundamental safety rule is Be a Competent Swimmer, with the ability to handle being underwater. Swimming a few laps every week would also be good preparation for paddling school. Please be as accurate as possible on the school registration form about your swimming ability. This information is important to insure your safety and the safety of others while on the river.
Special arrangements for some physical limitations may be possible if you will discuss your special needs with us well in advance. There is a question on the registration form to indicate if you have a physical limitation...let us know so we can make arrangements!