River Valley Chapter

About Us
Founded in January of 1995, the River Valley Chapter of the Arkansas Canoe Club serves Fort Smith, Arkansas and the surrounding area. Our members range from the young at age, to the young at heart and include paddlers of all kinds, solo/tandem canoe and kayak, as well as many capacities of inflatable rafts. Our monthly meetings are usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month and the venue will often vary. So, be sure and visit this page often and 'Like' our Facebook page to keep up to date will ALL the River Valley Chapter's events.
Officers and Staff
President - Leslie Brixey brixey1@prodigy.net
River Valley Chapter Meeting
Monthly meetings are generally the 2nd Thursday of each month. Check our Facebook Page for current information.
Roll Sessions
The River Valley Chapter of the ACC holds roll sessions at the Mercy Fitness Center at 7600 Dallas Street in Fort Smith.
Contact Leslie Brixey for date and time. brixey1@prodigy.net
Three lanes of the pool will be available for practice. The cost is $5 per session for Arkansas Canoe Club members and $8 for everyone else. You must be a paid member of the ACC to get the ACC rate; if you need to know if you are current with your dues, please let me know. (Mercy Fitness members and roll session instructors will be admitted free). Please sign in at the front desk first; there are towels and lockers available.
Before bringing you boat into the pool area from the side door, use the hose outside the door to wash your boats; their will be some bleach/water mix available inside to use as well. Get those leaves and other river crud out of your boat please! All participants must shower before entering the pool. We are very fortunate to be able to use the nice facilities at the Mercy Fitness club, so please honor these requirements and make sure that everyone follows their rules.
These roll sessions are intended for boaters who own and bring their own equipment; participants will usually allow others to try out their equipment, but please do not expect someone to supply equipment to you for the whole night unless you have worked that out with them. We hope to have several volunteer instructors at each session to assist people working on their rolls but can not promise the availability of instructors.
Hope to see you there!