School of river Paddling

Boat and Equipment
Participants are responsible for providing their own paddling equipment, including a boat suitable for moving water conditions. Both recreational/touring boats and whitewater boats are accepted.
Canoes should be fiberglass, plastic or polyethylene. Aluminum, wood, canvas or square-sterned boats will not be allowed to participate. All canoes must have bow and stern lines. Float bags are highly recommended.
All decked kayaks and canoes must be made of plastic, fiberglass or Kevlar. No wood or canvas boats are allowed. Rear float bags are highly recommended unless you have a rear bulkhead that serves as flotation. Bow and stern grab loops are required.
Stand Up Paddleboards (SUP) Inflatable and plastic boards are recommended. Fiberglass boards will very likely be damaged by rocks, but students may use them if they wish. Leashes are not required, but helmets and Type III PFD/Life Jackets are required, consistent with all other craft.
The participant has the responsibility to determine if they have an acceptable boat before applying. Contact the School Director before registering if you are unsure about your boat!
Boats should be prepared according to Section II of the Safety Code of American Whitewater. Extra flotation makes pins less likely and recovery after a spill much easier. Instructors have authority to turn away inappropriate boats and boats with gear or outfitting that is likely to cause difficulties on the river.
A snug-fitting, vest type life jacket in good condition is required at all times when on the river. Helmets are required if your kayak has a skirt that holds you in the boat or your kayak or canoe has thigh straps.
Gear Checklist:
Life Jacket (Type III Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
Helmet to be determined by your instructor
Flotation or air bags secured in boat for sit in Kayaks
Skirt (optional for recreational kayaks, required for whitewater kayaks)
Footwear (sturdy close-toed footwear you can wear in your boat)
Appropriate clothing for conditions.
Any questions regarding appropriate equipment should be directed to the School Director.