Pool Sessions in Little Rock

UALR Pool Sessions
Arkansas Canoe Club members can use the UALR pool at scheduled times for stroke and roll practice. These are open pool times - not formal instruction - but volunteers are often available to teach others how to roll or to demonstrate other techniques. If you are specifically hoping for instruction, it is best to post ahead of time on the ACC Message Board or Facebook group to arrange for someone to meet you.
During the school year, times are from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm sharp on Wednesday Note the pool staff will turn off the lights at the end of the scheduled time: don't be caught in the dark! The pool entrance is located on the east side of the Donaghey Student Center; UALR campus map is below.
There are a few rules that all paddlers need to follow when using the UALR pool. First ensure that your boat is clean by rinsing it outside the entrance with the water hose provided by UALR. We do not want to be blamed for clogging up the filters with sand and powerbar wrappers. Note that we are responsible for rolling the hose out at the start of each session and then making sure it is re-coiled and turned off again at the end of every session. While in the water always give swimmers and divers the right of way. The pool time is not limited to paddlers: it is also open to lane and general swimming.
Ensure that you are courteous to the pool staff, as they can easily limit pool access to the paddling community. Lastly do not enter the water before the scheduled pool time. You are welcome to arrive early at the pool however do not get in the water early.
Pool session times are not set in stone, and they will sometimes be canceled due to swim meets or other pool activities, so check the ACC Facebook page for any last minute updates.
Below is a UALR campus map with parking areas and the pool entrance highlighted.