School of river Paddling
Ready to Register for the School of River Paddling?
Online registration includes questions about your age, physical fitness, swimming ability, river experience and other factors that help assemble more compatible class groupings. Candid answers help you, your classmates, and your Instructor to have a better experience and more fun.
Before accessing the Event Registration page, please be sure of these items:
Are you a current Member of the Arkansas Canoe Club, and are your dues up to date? You must be a current ACC Member to register.
Have you read Sections I and II of the AW Safety Code?
Is your Boat an acceptable boat with adequate outfitting?
Please have your credit card info for payment.
Before or after you register...if you have other questions or special needs, contact School Director, Debbie Shepherd at
The Arkansas Canoe Club’s instructors and staff look forward to welcoming each participant, and to providing another year of quality instruction. And, to having a great time in the process!